Conversations With Ronnie Keith and Iris

Ep. 16 Ayisha John: Director of Camp G.L.O.W.

Episode 16

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Ep.16! Join Ronnie Keith as he sits down with Director of Camp G.L.O.W. Ayisha John. Camp GLOW or Girls Leading Our World, is an organization founded in Grenada that seeks to empower, educate, and nurture the hearts and minds of Grenada's young women that will become future leaders. We talk about how it was started and what Ayisha has faced on this journey. The triumphs and how this program has produced teachers, doctors, lawyers, youth leaders, chefs, a police office and  a Navy Seal. Ayisha does need help with donations as everything is funded out of pocket and they took a hit during covid. Please see the Go fund me link below and donate! Thank you

Please contact me at the below
FB: Keith Hardrick
Twitter/X: @keithhardrick24
TikTok: ronniekeith910

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